Walmart N Battleford Supercentre — Department Store in North Battleford

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Walmart N Battleford Supercentre

Department Store at 601 Carlton Trail, North Battleford, SK S9A 4A9, Canada, North Battleford, Saskatchewan, S9A 4A9 . Here you will find detailed information about Walmart N Battleford Supercentre: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Thursday
    8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Friday
    8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday
    8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Sunday
    8:00 AM – 10:00 PM


Based on 6 reviews


601 Carlton Trail, North Battleford, SK S9A 4A9, Canada, North Battleford, Saskatchewan, S9A 4A9
North Battleford
S9A 4A9

Photo gallery

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  • Walmart N Battleford Supercentre road map
  • Walmart N Battleford Supercentre satellite image

About Walmart N Battleford Supercentre

Walmart N Battleford Supercentre is a UK Department Store based in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. Walmart N Battleford Supercentre is located at 601 Carlton Trail, North Battleford, SK S9A 4A9, Canada,

Please contact Walmart N Battleford Supercentre using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Walmart N Battleford Supercentre opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Walmart N Battleford Supercentre

  • Ellie
    Added 2016.09.17
    We had gift cards for the children and man on till 1 in the express lanes was very courteous taking them one at at time. Nice experience overall.
  • Oliver
    Added 2015.08.19
    WALMART RECALL - Facebook friends you need to read the following posted by myself. I have emailed Walmart in regards to the recall done on the Rock Solo Karaoke Microphone - the one that catches on fire. We purchased two of these microphones for our daughters at $24.98 each about 2 months ago. My wife went into Walmart as requested to return them and because we did not have the original receipt they said that we were only entitled to the shelf price which has been marked down to $9.98 - so on a $50.00 purchase plus an additional $5.50 in taxes we got a generous $20.00 'Gift Card' - now how is this fair. I am wondering how many other parents across Canada received the news and what their Walmart provided them. Please read the rest as I think I have a pretty good grasp on what is happening here and I wouldn't mind your thoughts and for you to share and pass this along.
  • Arianna
    Added 2015.07.06
    Great groceries. Lots of items for people of all ages. Affordable prices. Good open hours. Great varieties of holiday themed items for all ages.
  • Autumn
    Added 2015.01.18
    I have noticed lately that the shelves have been well stocked. I have also noticed that there have been more associates working on the floor so it's easier if you need help. Much better than before.
  • Benjamin
    Added 2014.07.10
    I have a concern as a consumer as to a news story CTV has done in regards to the recall being done by Health Canada and Walmart regarding the 70,000 Rock Solo Karaoke Microphones that have been found to be dangerous. We purchased two of these microphones with the money our daughters received from their Grandparents at a cost of $24.98 each and an additional $5.50 for taxes for a total of $55.50. We walked into Walmart as requested with the microphones in hand and returned them as requested only to find out that because we did not have an original receipt for microphones bought 2 months ago that the girls only get shelf price for them and on a gift card. Shelf price today was $9.98 each, we loose $35.50 for a mistake that was not our to begin with, this was and is a manufacturers defect not some thing we did that was malicious. As a consumer we pay the price and what this looks like is a big box retailer taking advantage of the consumer hoping they will not say anything. How do we know that Walmart did not just lower the price of these microphones the day before the recall came out, and why would anyone or how could Walmart possible think consumers will hold on to their receipts for 2 months when we did not anticipate any sort of a problem. To me this is not about the money, this is about Walmart taking advantage of a situation and sticking it to the little guy. If I did my math correctly - if we assume all 70,000 microphones were purchased across Canada at $24.98 each that is $1,748,600.00 that Walmart brought in plus the GST they claimed back from the Government of $87,430 and with the refund, which is not really a refund it is a gift card at $9.98 each, which comes out to $698,600 in issued refunds. Walmart is standing to pocket at our (the Consumers) cost a total of $1,050,000 plus the $87,430 in taxes for a total profit of $1,137,430. How is this even remotely fair when Walmart is more than likely going to be looking for compensation for the returned microphones from TZUMI as well. I am puzzled as this is not rocket science - no where in the news release did it say that consumers would not be getting back their full purchase price, no where did it say that an original receipt was needed, again who holds on to a receipt - this is not reasonable nor practical in this situation as the purchasers had no idea the item would be faulty 2 months after purchase. I would like someone, some news station to do a follow-up on this story, this was Walmart doing a favor to TZUMI, again how is a $20.00 gift card make this right on any front. From one very upset consumer and parent. Sincerely - Timothy Yeaman
  • Paisley
    Added 2014.07.02
    Always a great place for a pit know their products and set up if you are in a hurry to get from point a to b.
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